Opening up my Heart & Soul

Photo By Me: Helen Hunt Falls 2015
One thing I learned over the past few months is there is never a right time to start a blog. When you are ready to take the step to share some of the things that bring you joy with others your self doubts take over. As this began to happen for me I came up with every excuse you can imagine to why I was going to put this off later and later. But I have a dear friend who reminded me that God has blessed me with a gift and I have to share that gift with others because that is part of his blessing for me.

As a woman of faith I know that I have to keep myself on the path that God has chosen for me, even it the road seems rocky ahead. I love having conversations with God, which mostly leads to me smiling in the end knowing that he has the final say. No matter how stubborn I can be and think the easy road is the path to take, he is always there waiting to put me back where I need to be. Throughout this blog I plan to share some of those moments I have with God. So if you see me writing something in parentheses (), it is my moment with God. Trust me he knows I am a Hot Mess...and soon you will be able to see that too. Uh Oh!

So here I am...
Photo by Me: Red Rock Canyon 2017
Am I ready for this? NO! Who is ever ready to expose what they do to the world and have those who matter to you give their opinions on what they think you done right or wrong. So many thoughts about this have crossed my mind...hint to why I stalled this for as long as I have. What would YOU think when you read my blog? What things will YOU find wrong? Will YOU like my decor? Will YOU like the recipes I cook? Will YOU hate the fact I have no professional training? But why?

God has made me who I am because he knew what I could do on this journey we call Life. In God's eyes I am his child and only he can judge me. Right? So I have to set aside my fears and share with YOU what I love. With the support of family and friends along the way I am ready to take on the road ahead one step at a time. No it won't be perfect and no some people will not agree with what I am doing, but that is the risk I am willing to take. I can't stop doing what I love doing, just because of what someone thinks of me or what I do. I think as long as I am honoring God and my family in a positive light then there is nothing wrong with it.

What do I love?
Photo by Me: One of my favorites of Hubby and boys
It's hard to narrow it all down to one thing, which is another reason behind this blog. I am praying over time I will be able to share a little of what I do and what brings me joy in my life. I wear many hats in my life...I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a niece, a cousin and a friend. As I look at that list of the many hats I wear, one thing is true about them all is that I pour my heart and soul into each one. Just now a HUGE smile just came across my face as I think about how happy I am when I get to cook for my family, the time I spend with them and seeing happiness on their faces when I am around them. That's what makes my heart beat.

Anyone who knows me, know that I LOVE TO COOK! I love creating new recipes and introducing my family to foods they never thought they would enjoy. Over the years I have had family and friends rave about my cooking, so that is something I will definitely share with you in this blog. Another smile is on my face right now...hmmmm...maybe I will do good with this after all. A little excitement just hit me thinking about all the foods and recipes that I can't wait to share with YOU! (I see you working in me God, I think I am finally seeing what you see.)

So here goes nothing...Welcome to my Soul!


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