Happy Fall Y'all

Y'all it's my favorite time of year! It's Fall Y'all! I look forward to this time of year each year and when it's over I find myself counting down the months and days until it's this time again. I'm like a kid in a candy store when September 1st rolls around, because that's my cue to get out the bins from the closet and start transforming our house into a cozy fall scene. Since I live in Texas we really don't have the joys of seeing much of the trees changing colors and falling to the ground. So a couple years ago I decided I was going to put up a Fall Tree and bring in some fall to my Texas home. I got the idea of a fall tree from going into Hobby Lobby (My Kryptonite) one day and seeing how they decorated a fall tree in front of the store. Then it hit me..."I can do that in my house!" The first year I did my tree everyone thought I was crazy and that I was just looking for an excuse to put up my Christmas Tree early. But as you ...